Learning = Earning
Atek Business Solutions provides real world business learning that gets people results. All business courses help people to develop practical skills in generating and managing wealth, starting and growing a business or learning to manage a small business and projects. All business courses are owned and run on behalf of Te Wananga o Aotearoa

Smart Steps to Business is an excellent course. It gave me the confidence that I needed to determine which of my business ideas were feasible and which ones were completely unrealistic and unattainable.
With this course I was able to make informed and educated decisions rather than taking miscalculated risks that would’ve caused a lot of financial problems for me and my family. If you’ve ever wondered whether or not your business ideas would work, this course will help you come to a decision
Warren Retzlaff
I wasn’t taught much about the value of money, I grew up in a single parent home so I saw my mother work hard, pay the bills make sure kai was on the table and we all went to school. These were habits I had and passed down to my own little family, which was living from one pay to the other always struggling.
It wasn’t until I done the Certificate in Money Management, which took me to a whole new level of understanding what money is and does if used properly also the tutors made my journey a huge difference. I wished that I had been taught these money management habits in my high school years and recommend everyone to take this course.

Marietta Ulugia
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